High Strength Inconel 718 Spline Drive Bolts with a Fast Lead

  • No minimum order quantityMS14181
  • Fast turn around of typically 5-6 Weeks
  • Full mill certifications and testing per MS14181
  • Large inventory of blanks, ready to go
  • High Strength 220 ksi of Nickel Alloy 718

The MS14181 Inconel 718 bolts are critical for so many applications but the lead-time and availability of this part is problematic. This is where Extreme Bolt can be instrumental. Extreme Bolt can offer MS14181, 220ksi spline drive bolts with a short turn around. We have a variety of blanks in stock and typically can produce them with a lead times of 5-6 weeks. Furthermore, we have no minimum quantities for the MS14181 parts. If you have a need for these parts, let us know how we can help.


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