Tag: MP35N bolts for 230ksi tensile strength

MP35N for Extreme Strength of 230 ksi

Q: I am in need of six 7/8″ diameter bolts, 9″ in length, that can withstand about 230,000 psi in tensile stress for infrastructure project. Do you have any bolt that can meet this strength requirement?

A: When you are talking about extremely high strength in the range of 230 ksi tensile, you need to consider MP35N bolts.  This material is the best of the best can offer a range of tensile strength from 220-290 ksi depending how its specified and produced. If its specified per AMS 5844/5845 the MP35N material will have a min Tensile of 260 ksi. Compared to other bolting materials, this is the highest industrial strength bolt available.